MarSci-LACE Network Roadmap


As part of the MarSci-LACE project we plan to build a network of support that connects underrepresented minority (URM) scientists and budding scientists.  The network would allow students to not only see themselves represented in marine science, but connect one-on-one at a personal level with a role model and be a role model for those following in their footsteps. This "reaching back" model will create buy-in at all career stages, which will allow URM scientists to build upon the assets and generational knowledge transmission systems they already have in place. In order to bridge the gap between and work towards dismantling the systems that have discouraged minority participation in marine science, we will also be building a strong network of allies at all career levels. Below is an outline of our plan to build the network in the coming years.

Phase 1: Undergraduate interns ("Intern Alliance")

We are implementing the Intern Alliance with our Summer 2020 recruits, they will be invited to attend weekly programming geared towards providing formal ally training, safe spaces for discussion about obstacles students may be facing, panel discussions with URM scientists and professional development. Interns will remain part of the MarSci-LACE network even after their internships have been completed.

Phase 2: Role Model Matching

The next phase will involve recruiting graduate students, early career scientists and senior scientists to join the network to help support and guide junior network members. More details to come on this soon 

Phase 3: K-12 Engagement

In the final phase we plan to build upon some of our K-12 programs at Mote to connect and engage with network members during their programming.  More information to follow.


To find out more about how you can become part of this network, complete the Contact Us form